Hackathon “Keeping the City Up2Data” 

Program 24/04/2018:

9:30-                      Registration, Gathering, and mingling

10:30                     Teambuilding

11:00                     AISTQ2018 Hackathon OpenData- Opening (SCE)

11:30                     Welcome to IoT world - Ilan Alter (AlterNet)

12:00                     Platform Overview – Ronen Mars (CDI)

12:30                     Quality & Testing – Benny Sand (QualiTest VP Knowledge & Innovation)

13:00                     Hackathon Procedures – Hadas Chassidim (SCE)

13:30                     Start hacking! Event kickoff

19:00                     Evening fun

20:00 -   Cont. Teamwork             


25/04/2018          Hackathon OpenData (Cont.)

08:00                  Breakfast

08:00-13:00         Cont. Teamwork

13:00-14:00         Lunch + Final preparations

14:00-16:00         Team presentations

16:00-16:30         Judges taking decisions

16:30-17:30         Closure Ceremony & Hackathon winner’s announcement


Roundtable program 25/04/2018:

9:30-             Registration

10:00-12:30   Roundtable

12:30-13:30   Lunch+Visit the hackathon

13:30-14:00  Roundtable closure+paper draft