Purchasing and Agreements

This department deals with all of the college’s purchasing endeavors and agreements with suppliers and service providers, and handles the tenders in accordance with the law, tender regulations and the college’s goods purchasing and services agreements policy.

  • In the framework of these activities, the department is responsible for the following:
  • Purchasing: Planning, executing and monitoring all purchasing processes at the college, including conducting negotiations with suppliers and service providers, and examining price proposals, as well as handling purchasing orders starting with initiating requests for proposals and to transferring purchasing orders signed by the college’s authorized signer to the supplier.
  • Agreements: Reviewing agreements classifications, following up on the college’s agreements and handing them over for legal review.
  • Tenders: Coordinating agreements that require tenders according to the mandatory tender law of 1992 and in accordance with the tender regulations (agreements of higher education institutes) of 2010. Accompanying the tender procedure until final selection of the winner, or handling requests for tender exemption (individual supplier, higher education inputs, etc.).