The Center for the Promotion of Teaching (CPT) was established in 2005 by Prof. Dorith Tavor. In 2016, after organizational changes were made at SCE, it became part of the amalgamated Center for Quality Assessment and the Promotion of Teaching, when joined by the Center for Quality Assessment (CQA).

Like all other jobs, teaching requires not only ‘natural talent’, but also skills and specific knowledge, external and internal sources for learning, support and professional development.
The role of the CPT is to assist lecturers in promoting and improving their teaching, to inculcate a variety of new instructional approaches and the use of different technologies to enrich their academic teaching.
The CPT works in a number of areas - it plans and holds seminars and workshops for SCE lecturers, develops and manages teaching surveys, and provides the student-body and academic colleagues with videotaped lectures and online, networked instruction.

The CPT is an active member of the Forum of the Heads of Higher-Educational Teaching Centers in Israel; some CPT members are involved participants at these meetings and other Forum conferences and professional workshops.


The Staff of the CPT

Prof. Shlomo Mark
Head of the Center for Quality Assessment and the Promotion of Teaching

Ms. Galit Shikler Fridman
Coordinator of the CPT and the CQA, Be'er Seva Campus
G03 Katsir (50)

Ms. Jenia Soldatov
Coordinator of the CPT and the CQA, Ashdod Campus
136 Bnei Brit

Dr. Gali Naveh
Responsible for digital pedagogy, Be'er Sheva Campus
400 D Building (60)

Ms. Irina Bahmutsky
Learning technology and project manager
G03 Katsir (50)

Dr. Ronit Shmallo
Responsible for digital pedagogy, Ashdod Campus
2021 Decibel

Dr. Neta Avraham Green
Techno pedagogue
136 Bnai Brith