Request Submission Process
1. An SCE faculty member will submit a request for a graduate of the SCE and/or another academic institution in Israel or abroad (only institutions recognized by the CHE), continuing their academic studies towards an M.Sc. with a thesis and/or a Ph.D. in another academic institution in Israel or abroad or a post-doc, and is interested in participating in the development program for current and future academic faculty.
The request will be submitted to the Graduate School Office using the following form:
The request will be examined by an SCE Management Committee.
2. The management committee will notify the SCE Graduate School Office and the Finance Department of its decision for continued handling.
2.1 Students participating in the program will be required to submit an annual progress report (Progress Report Form – M.Sc. and Ph.D.) that will be signed by the SCE advisor and the additional advisor(s). The report will be submitted to the Graduate School Office and will be a condition for continuing the scholarship in the consecutive year.
2.2 The students and the advisors and/or the post-doctoral students will be required to acknowledge the SCE in every publication, article and/or conference, including the final thesis/doctoral dissertation.
2.3 Post-doctoral grant recipients will be required to submit an annual summary report.