The Center for Quality Assessment (CQA) was established in 2014 and in 2016, after organizational changes were made at SCE, it became part of the amalgamated Center for Quality Assessment and the Promotion of Teaching, when it merged with the Center for the Promotion of Teaching (CPT).

The goal of the CQA is to lead and promote a culture of ongoing academic improvement in the College.

Within the framework of its activities, the CQA deals with a number of areas:
- It guides and assists various academic departments when preparing their reports for submission to the Israeli National Council for Higher Education’s Quality Assessment Committee;
- It heads the continuous process of academic-departmental self-evaluation, that identifies each department’s strengths and the weaknesses that should be addressed;
- It leads the broad, intra-institutional improvement processes at SCE; and
- It tracks the annual activity of each faculty member to determine those worthy of being honored for their excellence.


The Staff of the CQA

Prof. Shlomo Mark
Head of the Center for Quality Assessment and the Promotion of Teaching