The Department of Civil Engineering conducts research work in the following areas:

Reinforced Concrete

  • Thickness of the concrete covering for protecting the reinforced concrete from corrosion, and limiting cracking.
  • Non-linear push analysis, for bridges.
  • Endurance to cutting and bending of resource structures made of reinforced concrete, under the pressure of cyclical (???) loading and earthquakes.
  • Changes in the leaning of the strut and its effect on reinforced concrete elements.

Hydrology, Drainage and Hydraulics

  • The connection between rain and run-off water in the initial drainage areas near Ovdat – funded by an international consortium for arid countries.
  • Preparation of a collection of publications on drainage engineering (as a guide for drainage engineers) – funded by the Shikma Besor Drainage Authority.
  • New correlation between the frequency of floods and their size – funded by the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Decreasing the entry losses of sea containers – funded by private parties and the Dead Sea Drainage Authority.
  • Cleaning system for residue from pipes.

Wastewater Treatment

Development of a wastewater treatment system through the use of a vibration system for dispersing bubbles.

R&D – Advanced Construction Materials and Processes

  • Endurance of concretes and geopolymers in the Dead Sea region – funded by the Dead Sea Works
  • Sealing gabions
  • Solidifying radioactive waste through the use of geopolymers – funded by the Atomic Energy Committee
  • Solidifying and stabilizing waste
  • Developing extremely durable and strong materials
  • Geopolymeric materials
  • Corrosion of concrete and concrete reinforcement

Complex Materials

  • Fracture mechanics of fiber-armored cement materials
  • R&D – Corrosion, Nano-bio and Advanced Materials in Industry
  • Developing bio-environmental systems in the biotechnology sector
  • Developing advanced alloys using nano-particles
  • Developing alloys and improving their endurance to corrosion
  • Corrosion in the automobile industry
  • Coatings and protection methods
  • Exhaustion corrosion and exertion corrosion of light metals
  • Cathodic protection
  • Marine corrosion
  • Manufacturing optimization and methods for predicting the lifecycles of materials and devices in industry