Dr. Ari Brodsky
I received my PhD from the University of Toronto, specializing in set theory. Since then I have researched at Bar-Ilan University and Ariel University as a post-doctoral fellow, and I have lectured at Bar-Ilan as well. My research interests include various branches within combinatorial set theory, including: infinite trees, the Souslin problem and its generalizations; Jensen's diamond principle and its applications; Ramsey theory - partition relations for cardinals, ordinals, trees, and partial orders. I have also written on model theory - abstract elementary classes, and on the mathematical structure of the Jewish calendar


Be'er Sheva
106 Einstein(40)Education
2014 Doctor of Philosophy in Pure Mathematics,
Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto
Thesis: A Theory of Stationary Trees and the Balanced Baumgartner–Hajnal–
Todorcevic Theorem for Trees
Supervisor: Professor Stevo Todorčević
2002 Master of Science, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto
2001 Honours Bachelor of Science with High Distinction (Magna Cum Laude), Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto
Specialist program in Mathematics; Minor in Computer Science
Dean’s List Scholar in recognition of academic excellence: 1998, 2000, 2001
1995–1997 Yeshivat Sha’alvim, Israel
Two-year program of intensive Talmudic and Religious Studies, with classes taught in Hebrew
Linear Algebra