Dr. Hagai Ilani

Dr. Hagai Ilani

Dr. Hagai Ilani is a senior lecturer in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Sami Shamoon College of Engineering and serves as the head of the department at the Ashdod campus. His research interests are combinatorial optimization problems: theory and algorithms. In recent years, Dr. Ilani has been involved in a variety of practical combinatorial optimization problems especially graph coloring and its applications to timetabling and scheduling problems


Industrial engineering and management
Senior lecturer




1994-1999        Ph.D. in Mathematics, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Dissertation title: 'Integer Network Flows: Optimization Problems'. Adviser: Prof. Lomonosov, M.

1992-1994        M.Sc. in Mathematics, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Dissertation title: 'Integer Network Flows: Optimization Problems'. Adviser: Prof. Lomonosov, M.

1989-1992        B.Sc. in Mathematics, Ben Gurion University of the Nege, Israel.


Developing Solutions to Timetabling and Scheduling Problems


Grinshpoun, T., Bar-Gera, H., Ilani, H. & Shufan, E.   2016-2019. an Efficient Dial-a-Ride System For The Elderly Population, The Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology and Space. 3/2016-2/2019 – ~100,000$ annual – ~300,000$ total.


Peer reviewed papers

1.  Ilani, H, Shufan, E, Grinshpoun, T,. 2017. Partially Concurrent Open Shop Scheduling with Integral Preemptions. Annals of Operations Research, published online:04 May 2017. 

2.  Grinshpoun, T, Ilani, H, Shufan, E,. 2017. The Representation of Partially-Concurrent Open Shop Problems . Annals of Operations Research, vol. 252(2) pp. 455-469.  

3.  Ilani, H, Shufan, E, Grinshpoun, T, Belulu, E, Fainberg, A. 2014. A Reduction Approach to the Two-Campus Transport Problem. Journal of Scheduling, vol. 17(6) pp. 587-599.

4.  Laslo, Z, Ilani, H & Keren, B 2009. A lower bound for project completion time attained by detailing project tasks and redistributing workloads. Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 345-358. (online)

5.  Laslo, Z, Keren, B & Ilani, H 2008. Minimizing task completion time with the execution-set method. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 187, no. 3, pp. 1513-1519. (online)

6.  Ilani, H., Korach E., Lomonosov, M., 2000, On Extremal Multiflows. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, B(79), pp. 183-210. (online)

7.  Ilani, H, Lomonosov, M, 2000. Maximum Balanced Flows in Networks. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, B(78), pp. 185-197. (online)


Articles in refereed conference volumes

1.  Ilani, H, Shufan, E, Grinshpoun, T,. 2016. Partially Concurrent Open Shop Scheduling and Graph CLourings. . In

     Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, Eds.    

     Burke, E., Di Gaspero, L., Özcan, E., McCollum, B. & Schaerf, a., Udine, IT, 195-205.

2.  Grinshpoun, T, Ilani, H, Shufan, E,. 2015. A Fixed Route Dial-a-Ride Problem. In Proceedings of the 7th
      Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, Eds. Hanzalek, Z., Kendall,

     G., McCollum, B. & Sucha,P., Prague, CZ, 313-324.

3.  Grinshpoun, T., Ilani, H. &, Shufan, E. 2014. Partially-Concurrent Open Shop Scheduling. In Proceedings of the
    10th International  Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, Eds. Burke, E., McCollum,
    B., & Özcan, E., York, UK, 188-200.

4.  Shufan, E, Ilani, H & Grinshpoun, T, 2011. A Two-Campus Transport Problem. In Proceedings of the 5th
         Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, Eds. Fowler, J., Kendall, G.
        & McCollum, B., Tempe, AZ, USA, 173-184.