Dr. Jeremy Miller

Dr. Jeremy Miller

Dr. Miller began undergraduate studies at King’s College London in Mathematics and Physics and received an M.Sci in 2004. Subsequently he made aliya and began a Ph.D.in Physics at Tel Aviv University from 2004-2009, on QCD and the Higgs Boson. Between 2009-2013 Dr. Miller was a post-doctorate at the Instituo Superio Tecnico, Lisbon. In 2018 he completed a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Southampton University, England, on machine-learning methods for solving Einstein’s equations for black-hole binaries, and furthered this project for LISA until 2020. From 2020-2023 Dr. Miller was a post-doctorate at Ariel University researching quantum-gravity models of the Higgs Boson, focusing on iterative algorithms for solving the Schwinger-Dyson equations. Presently Dr. Miller is interested in game theory, algorithms for modeling black-hole binaries and gravitational waves, and Higgs-Boson models in quantum gravity. Dr. Miller has published more than twenty peer-reviewed papers in international academic journals and delivered invited lectures at international conferences


Computer Sciences
Ashdod | Be'er Sheva

Be'er Sheva

205 Shamoon(20)


Celsius 138


2000-2004 MSci Mathematics and Physics, Kings College London.

2004-2009 Ph.D. Physics, Tel Aviv University.

2013-2018 Ph.D. Mathematics, Southampton University.


Gravitational waves from Black Hole binary inspirals.

The gravitational field of photons and massless particles.

Quantum gravity approaches to composite Higgs models.


Fundac˛ão para a ciência a tecnologia May 2009 - May 2012

ERC Research scholarship in Mathematics October 2013 - September 2016


Linear Algebra 1

Linear Algebra 2

Calculus 1

Calculus 2


Game Theory


Mathematical Methods for Physicists

Differential Equations



Electromagnetic Fields

Optics And Waves

Computational Mathematics


[1] J. Miller, G. E. Volovik, and M. A. Zubkov. “Fundamental scalar field with zero dimension from anomaly cancellations”. Phys. Rev. D, 106(1):015021, 2022.

[2] J. Miller and M. A. Zubkov. “Topological Quantization of Fractional Quantum Hall Conductivity”. Symmetry, 14(10):2095, 2022.

[3] M. Selch, J. Miller, and M. A. Zubkov. “Gravastar-like black hole solutions in q-theory”. Class. Quantum Grav., 6 2023.

[4] Maarten van de Meent, Alessandra Buonanno, Deyan P. Mihaylov, Serguei Ossokine, Lorenzo Pompili, Niels Warburton, Adam Pound, Barry Wardell, Leanne Durkan, and Jeremy Miller. “Enhancing the SEOBNRv5 effective-one-body waveform model with second-order gravitational self-force fluxes”. in press Phys. Rev. Lett. D, 3 2023.

[5] Angelica Albertini, Alessandro Nagar, Adam Pound, Niels Warburton, Barry Wardell, Leanne Durkan, and Jeremy Miller. “Comparing second-order gravitational self-force and effective one body waveforms from inspiralling, quasicircular and nonspinning black hole binaries. II. The large-mass-ratio case”. Phys. Rev. D, 106(8):084062, 2022.

 [6] Angelica Albertini, Alessandro Nagar, Adam Pound, Niels Warburton, Barry Wardell, Leanne Durkan, and Jeremy Miller. “Comparing second-order gravitational self-force, numerical relativity, and effective one body waveforms from inspiralling, quasicircular, and nonspinning black hole binaries”. Phys. Rev. D, 106(8):084061, 2022.

 [7] Barry Wardell, Adam Pound, Niels Warburton, Jeremy Miller, Leanne Durkan, and Alexandre Le Tiec. “Gravitational waveforms for compact binaries from second-order self-force theory”. in press Phys. Rev. Lett. D, 12 2021.

 [8] Niels Warburton, Adam Pound, Barry Wardell, Jeremy Miller, and Leanne Durkan. “Gravitational-Wave Energy Flux for Compact Binaries through Second Order in the Mass Ratio”. Phys. Rev. Lett., 127(15):151102, 2021.

 [9] Jeremy Miller and Adam Pound. “Two-timescale evolution of extreme-mass-ratio in-spirals: waveform generation scheme for quasicircular orbits in Schwarzschild space-time”. Phys. Rev. D, 103(6):064048, 2021.           

[10] Adam Pound, Barry Wardell, Niels Warburton, and Jeremy Miller. “Second-order self-force calculation of the gravitational binding energy in compact binaries”. Phys.Rev. Lett., 124 (2):021101, 2020.

[11] A. Pound and J. Miller. “Practical, covariant puncture for second-order self-force calculations” . Phys. Rev., D 89 (10):104020, 2014.

[12] J. Miller. “The Schwinger-Dyson equation on Pomeron loop summation and renor-malization”. Nucl. Phys., A 836:119–135, 2010.

[13] E. Levin and J. Miller. “The BFKL Pomeron calculus: summing enhanced diagrams”. Nucl. Phys., A 884-885 :51–83, 2012.

[14] Carlos Contreras, Eugene Levin, and Jeremy S. Miller. “BFKL Pomeron calculus: nucleus-nucleus scattering”. Nucl. Phys., A 880 :29–47, 2012.

[15] Andrey Kormilitzin, Eugene Levin, and Jeremy S. Miller. “High density QCD and nucleus-nucleus scattering deeply in the saturation region”. Nucl. Phys., A 859:87–113, 2011.

[16] E. Levin, J. Miller, B. Z. Kopeliovich, and Ivan Schmidt. “Glauber-Gribov approach for DIS on nuclei in N=4 SYM”. JHEP, 02:048, 2009.

[17] Jeremy S. Miller. “Survival probability in diffractive Higgs production in high density QCD”. Eur. Phys. J., C 56:39–55, 2008.

[18] M. Kozlov, E. Levin, V. Khachatryan, and J. Miller. “The BFKL Pomeron calculus in zero transverse dimensions: Diffractive processes and survival probability for central diffractive production”. Nucl. Phys., A 791:382–405, 2007.

[19] E. Gotsman, E. Levin, U. Maor, and J. S. Miller. “A QCD motivated model for soft interactions at high energies”. Eur. Phys. J., C 57:689–709, 2008.

[20] E. Levin and J. Miller. “Two parton shower background for associate W Higgs pro-duction”. Eur. Phys. J., C 61:1–31, 2009.

[21] E. Levin, J. Miller, and A. Prygarin. “Summing Pomeron loops in the dipole ap-proach”. Nucl. Phys., A806:245–286, 2008.

[22] E. Gotsman, E. Levin, U. Maor, and J. S. Miller. “The Phenomenology of Pomeron Enhancement”. In International School on High Energy Physics on Collider Physics: Session C: Workshop on Forward Physics, Exotica and Associated Technologies (LISHEP 2009) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 16-23, 2009, 2009.

[23] J. Miller, B. Wardell, and A. Pound. “Second-order perturbation theory: the problem of infinite mode coupling” . Phys. Rev., D 94 (10):104018, 2016.

[24] J. Miller and M. A. Zubkov. “Quark mass generation due to scalar fields with zero dimension”. 9 2022.                 


Head of research at “Independent Financial Trading Management” (IFTM) 2014-2017.

I developed algorithms for stock-market trading of shares and foreign currencies.