ACHEMA exhibition
The triennial ACHEMA exhibition was held this year once again in Frankfurt Germany. It is the largest international exhibition in the world, which presents the cutting edge of chemical and biotechnology industries technologies, and attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world.
This year the outstanding students of the chemical engineering departments of both campuses were fortunate to participate – Dima and Eden from Ashdod and Coral and Mor from Beer Sheba. Together with staff member Dr. Yoram Shottland, they investigated the most promising displays at the exhibition, accompanied by Ariel Klaskin from the Petros company.
Upon the return of the delegation to the college from Germany, we asked the students to share some of their impressions and experiences. Eden Evasker, who is beginning her fourth year at the Ashdod campus, said: “The exhibition gave me the opportunity to be exposed to new worlds in the industry and to innovative developments that prove just how much chemical engineering is an integral part of our future. There is no doubt that this was an extraordinary experience that widened my horizons and will assist in my personal development”.
Mor Badnani, who is beginning her fourth year at the Be'er Sheva campus, defined the trip as a “brilliant experience”, and wished to thank the college and whoever was involved in providing the opportunity to visit an exhibition of such magnitude. “Each area of the exhibition dealt with a different subject, making it possible to be exposed to innovative technologies in all areas. The tour of the reactor manufacturing plant was interesting and exceeded all expectations. As a student of chemical engineering, it was an enriching and educating experience, and no doubt increased the desire to be involved in the field.”
Coral Monsonego, who is also beginning her fourth year at the Be'er Sheva campus said: “I was given an amazing opportunity to attend a stupendous exhibition, where I was exposed to innovations in the chemical industry. During the exhibition I saw thousands of presentations and explanations that enriched my knowledge and connected the theoretical material taught in class with the practical side. Moreover, during the exhibition we encountered some of the college’s graduates, who were happy to share their personal journeys. I was pleased to see and hear that they are successful and progressing in their work places, some are managers, and to know there is a future to aspire for. The experience was undoubtedly enriching and educational. I would like to thank the college for the opportunity of sending me to an exhibition of such magnitude, and of course a huge thank you to all of the people that were with me on this journey – Yoram, Mor, Eden and Dima – without them the experience just would not have been the same”.