Congratulations to the 810 new graduates

810 SCE graduates received their Bachelors and Master’s degrees at graduation ceremonies held this year in the various engineering departments on the Be’er Sheva and Ashdod campuses.

Among the keynote speakers at the ceremonies, held this year in Be’er Sheva and Ashdod, were the mayors of Be’er Sheva and Ashdod, Minister of Education Naftali Bennett and Mr. Avi Simchon, the Prime Minister’s chief economic adviser.

“Since its founding twenty years ago, the Sami Shamoon Academic College of Engineering has trained engineers in all engineering fields, said Prof. Jehuda Haddad. “Over the years the world underwent numerous changes, primarily the internet and the technological ‘boom’. For this reason the next generation of engineers will need to combine technological entrepreneurship and social values. We at SCE educate our students for the technological and social world, based on the College’s core value – to qualify engineers for a better world. Dear graduates, I am sure that you will make a unique contribution to society. I am convinced that you will be able to contend with all the difficulties and obstacles in the professional world, because we prepared you from the start.”

At the commencement ceremony held in Be’er Sheva a Certificate of Recognition was awarded to Prof. Mor Peretz, the first SCE graduate to receive the title of professor at Ben-Gurion University. Peretz established and manages the University’s Center for Power Electronics and Mixed-Signal IC. In a recent interview with Peretz he noted that, “the founding of the College is a vision that has been realized. I am not sure that I could have reached where I am today without the opportunity the SCE gave me. My college classmates also work in the leading companies in Israel, and some have even started startup companies. SCE graduates who come to me today to study towards a Master’s degree at the university are proof of the correct path of the SCE  undertaking”.