
MLE 2023 Conference

2nd IEEE Conference on Machine Learning in Engineering - Wednesday 3.5.2023 

The second in a series of conferences hosted at SCE, MLE-2023 is focused on bringing together academic and industrial professionals of all ranks who are experts in machine learning theory and applications in all areas of engineering, with a particular focus on deep learning techniques.

Every field of engineering is embracing machine learning and deep learning in unique ways. Modern algorithms find patterns in data and use them for different categorization, prediction, and generating tasks by using mathematical models in a neural network. Pattern recognition in photos, videos, audio, text, and other types of data has effectively used this method. Problems that were impossible to tackle a few years ago can now be solved because of deep learning.

The MLE-2023 conference offers keynote lectures and oral presentations covering different aspects of machine learning, including emerging technologies and theoretical models. The conference addresses both fundamental and applied, traditional and emerging issues of machine learning, such as natural language processing, image processing, intelligent control, and more.

Invited speakers from top universities and industry will speak at the conference, along with conference presentations. A unique session of the conference is devoted to graduate student presentations, including reports on works-in-progress.


MLE invites contributions in the categories listed below.

  • Oral presentations require a brief proposal (~500 words, informal). These proposals undergo a review process to select presentations of maximal interest to MLE attendees. Accepted proposals will be assigned a presentation slot (~15min) during the conference.
  • Posters will be exhibited during the conference, with a dedicated poster session during a break where poster authors will be available aside from their posters. Posters contributors may choose to submit either a brief proposal (~250 words, informal) or a proposed poster. 

    The poster must:
  1. Have an A0 size (841 mm x 1189 mm), portrait format
  2. Be readable both printed and on-screen
  3. Be of interest to the MLE community
  4. Not be a sales pitch or advertisement
  • Virtual session includes a link to the prerecorded 7-15-minute video recording of your presentation.

    The presentation must:
  1. Published on the Youtube platform as an unlisted video.
  2. The opening frames of the video (first slide of the presentation) should mention the 2nd MLE Conference 2023, the title of the presentation and the authors.
  3. Slides that include: an introduction, background, research question(s) and hypotheses, findings and results, discussion, summary and recommendations for future research.
  4. Use high-quality audio and video equipment to ensure your presentation is clear and easy to understand.
  5. It is recommended to practice your presentation before recording to ensure a smooth and polished delivery.
  6. English language

Special Issue

 High-quality submissions will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for potential publication in a Special Issue of “Machine Learning in Engineering Applications’’ of an international journal Sensors, an international peer-reviewed open-access journal on the science and technology of sensors published by MDPI (current Impact Factor: 3.847).

Conference Fee

Participation at the event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory.


  • Signal and Image Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Biomedical Applications
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Intelligent Robotics and Control
  • Financial Applications
  • Any other related topic

Important dates:

Abstracts due: March 30, 2023 (Thursday)
Acceptance notification: April 20, 2023 (Thursday)
Conference date: May 03, 2023 (Wednesday)


Shamoon College of Engineering (SCE), Beer Sheva campus, Bialik 56, Beer Sheva


Natalia Vanetik, Software Engineering, SCE
Dima Bykhovsky, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCE

Organizing Committee:

Shmuel Auster, IEEE Israel Section Chair, AEAI Honorary Life Member
Victor Kagalovsky, Dean, SCE

Program Committee:

Ziv Brand, Head of Control Research Center, Mechanical Engineering, SCE
Oshrit Hoffer, Electrical Engineering, Afeka
Shlomo Greenberg, Head of the Computer Science Department, SCE
Aviad Elyashar, Computer Science Department, SCE
Tom Trigano, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, SCE, Ashdod
Dr. Chaya Liebeskind, Computer Science Department, JCT